Hintergrund: Zwei Passagiere einer Monrach Airlines-Chartermaschine auf dem Weg von Malaga nach Manchester wurden von der Polzei festgenommen und verhört, weil sie anderen Passagieren ‘verdächtig’ erschienen:
The extraordinary scenes happened after some of the 150 passengers on a Malaga-Manchester flight overheard two men of Asian appearance apparently talking Arabic.
The trouble in Malaga flared last Wednesday as two British citizens in their 20s waited in the departure lounge to board the pre-dawn flight and were heard talking what passengers took to be Arabic. Worries spread after a female passenger said she had heard something that alarmed her.
Passengers noticed that, despite the heat, the pair were wearing leather jackets and thick jumpers and were regularly checking their watches.
Initially, six passengers refused to board the flight. On board the aircraft, word reached one family. To the astonishment of cabin crew, they stood up and walked off, followed quickly by others.
[Quelle: The Morning Sun]
Die spanische Guardia Civil teilt mit:
“These men had aroused suspicion because of their appearance and the fact that they were speaking in a foreign language thought to be an Arabic language, and the pilot was refusing to take off until they were escorted off the plane.”
[Quelle: The Morning Sun]
Dies ist nicht der erste oder einzige Zwischenfall dieser Art, wie diese Aussage belegt:
Websites used by pilots and cabin crew were yesterday reporting further incidents. In one, two British women with young children on another flight from Spain complained about flying with a bearded Muslim even though he had been security-checked twice before boarding.
[Quelle: The Morning Sun]
Die Stuttgarter Nachrichten bringt es auf den Punkt:
Dass auf Malaga zwei Passagiere ein Flugzeug verlassen mussten, nur weil sie wie Terroristen aussahen, ist ein Sieg der Angst, nicht des Wissens.
[Quelle: Stuttgarter Nachrichten via Presseportal]