Rocket = Deutsche Effizienz auf Steroiden. Gleichzeitig ist man langfristig orientiert. Entweder beginnen sie, Effektivität vor Effizienz zu stellen, oder in sechs Jahren ist nicht mehr viel vom Rocket Tower übrig. Hoffen wir auf ersteres.
Founder Oliver Samwer says his company is in great shape. But an examination of Rocket’s operations reveals an incubator that’s much better at starting new companies than running them.
To the long list of critics who dislike Samwer’s approach, Rocket’s recent stumbles seem poetic justice. But in his perch atop Rocket’s new office tower, even Samwer seems to have changed his emphasis. These days, Rocket is less about starting new copycat businesses, he says, and more about ensuring the existing ones make money. “If you look at the underlying companies, we’re making tremendous progress,” he says. Rocket never guaranteed investors a quick buck, he adds, noting that the prospectus for its IPO talked of a six- to nine-year horizon. “We never made the promise, ‘we are, one year after IPO, profitable.’” Samwer says he’s learned to be more patient. Now he must persuade investors do the same.
Quelle: Inside Rocket Internet’s Ailing Startup Factory - Bloomberg