Web 08.15

Alle Welt spricht von Web 2.0. Keine Ahnung, was das ist? Ganz einfach:

> DoubleClick —> Google AdSense
> Ofoto —> Flickr
> Akamai —> BitTorrent
> mp3.com —> Napster
> Britannica Online —> Wikipedia
> personal websites —> blogging
> evite —> upcoming.org and EVDB
> domain name speculation —> search engine optimization
> page views —> cost per click
> screen scraping —> web services
> publishing —> participation
> content management systems —> wikis
> directories (taxonomy) —> tagging (“folksonomy”)
> stickiness —> syndication
> [[What Is Web 2.0][2]]

Prinzipiell gehts es also darum, dass es nicht mehr um Inhalte oder Inhaltserstellung, sondern um das [Miteinander rund um Inhalte][3] geht. Siehe auch [das hier][4].

> I’m not sure but from what I’m seeing, there’s still a feeling of recklessness and let’s just say $2,000 a head for a conference to discuss buzzwords is probably a bad indicator for “not getting caught up in hype”. [[2005 vs. 1999][1]]

[Was Web 2.0 eigentlich ist][5] ;-)

Auf der Konferenz gabs tolle Dinge:

> * More than 50 thought leaders and entrepreneurs are slated to present in an interactive format stressing audience participation.
> * More than a dozen extraordinary thinkers and business leaders will present “High Order Bits” - ten minute stand-and-deliver presentations designed to provoke, delight, and amaze the audience.
> * Top executives from platform businesses will address the future of the Web in plenary sessions.
> * We’ll focus on innovative new web technologies in our expert led-workshops.
> [[Why Attend][7]]

Drei Tage [Bullshitbingo][11]. Webdesign ist doch [ganz einfach][8] ;-)

Eine Gegenveranstaltung gabs natürlich auch:

> 1. You sign up on a sheet to do your presentation
I hold and manage a timer (duh)
> 1. You have 2.0 minutes to make a case for your 1.0 technology or squirrely business model
> 1. Whenever you say “monetize,” “font face,” or any of a variety of secret 1998 words, everyone drinks
> 1. Repeat until a) 20 minutes, b) we get bored, or c) every person in the room completes a first round of funding
> [[Going to Web 1.0 this week?][6]]

Achja, außerdem haben wir eben noch schnell [E-Mail 2.0 erfunden][9]. Das erinnert mich sehr an [dieses Formular][10].

[1]: http://www.ok-cancel.com/archives/article/2005/10/2005-vs-1999.html
[2]: http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/oreilly/tim/news/2005/09/30/what-is-web-20.html
[3]: http://www.knemeyer.com/dk.cfm?a=cms,c,323
[4]: http://www.itst.org/web/280-selfpublishing.shtml
[5]: http://www.ok-cancel.com/comic/108.html
[6]: http://jeremy.zawodny.com/blog/archives/005462.html
[7]: http://www.web2con.com/pub/w/40/why.html
[8]: http://whocares.de/archive/000945.php
[9]: http://www.corante.com/many/archives/2005/10/04/email_20.php
[10]: http://kris.koehntopp.de/inkomploehntopp/00000.html
[11]: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bullshit-Bingo

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